Bus Project
Why the bus—28 Oct 2008
The Bus—25 Oct 2008A few photos of it as we bought it. more |
The Plan—25 Oct 2008Heres the most promising of the developed layouts that i drew based on an early concept. more |
Bedroom area—25 Oct 2008Because the bus is going to be fitted out over a longish period while i live in it, the priority is getting the bus habitable. Heres a progress report... more |
Living area—25 Oct 2008In May i started work on the living area. Its an exercise in furniture making mostly. Mostly working in the workshop, while it rained and rained and rained. more |
Review—25 Oct 2008Some comments on having owned and run the bus for 18 months more |
Air Conditioner Removal—16 Aug 2020A brief howto on tips to remove the air con unit from a HZB50 toyota coaster. more |